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Jasnik Singh Kakkar


You must be the change you wish to see in the world”– Mahatma Gandhi

In a Knowledge driven society, each individual seeks to be a lifelong learner geared towards acquiring new knowledge and skills and to reorient One’s practices and working strategies in tune with the advancements in technology and ever-expanding knowledge base of various professions. This is more so in the case of teachers who have not only to prepare themselves for lifelong learning but also help their students become lifelong learners. Lifelong learning implies Continuous professional development for which a variety of strategies are adopted by our College. This College provides a unique opportunity for all round development. A student who becomes a member of our College finds it a rewarding experience and when leaves the College is confident of taking an active part in the modern world with dignity and the flexibility to accept change as an opportunity rather than a threat; able indeed to be his/her own person and to lead life which is purposeful, positive and constructive. I welcome all the teacher trainees on joining our College and suggest utilizing the available resources for their harmonious development.

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